Rent a School

Community Use of Schools
The District School Board endorses and encourages the community’s participation in the use of its facilities and resources. It is the policy of the District School Board that its facilities will be made available for community use for the mutual benefit of students and the community, in a manner that is both fair and equitable on a cost recovery basis, in accordance with Policy C-1 - "Community Use of Schools - General".
School facilities and resources shall be made available during the school year through the issuance of rental contracts.
On weekdays, rental permits to allow community use of schools are available after 6:00 p.m. in elementary schools and after 7:00 p.m. in secondary schools. On weekends, community use of schools is available between 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.
Any inquiries to rent a school facility for community use of schools outside of the times listed above are by special request only and should be referred to the Community Use of Schools office.
The District School Board of Niagara supports the Community Use of Schools program, a Ministry of Education initiative that encourages access to school space outside of school hours for not-for-profit community groups.
Program Principles
- Schools as Hubs of Communities
Schools are the hubs of their communities and offer an effective use of taxpayers’ investment in providing citizens with a place to come together, volunteer, build skills, access community programs, become physically active and build strong and healthy communities. - Support for a Positive Climate for Youth
The Community Use of Schools program supports and promotes healthy, active lifestyles for community youth. - Fair and Equal Access
Schools are welcoming and inclusive and offer parent groups, community organizations and other citizens fair access to use of school space at affordable rates for community purposes in non-school hours. - Respect for Roles and Responsibilities
Community Use of Schools program stakeholder partners respect each other’s roles, responsibilities and obligations to the community and education system. - Not-For-Profit organizations to be charged affordable rates
District School Boards, where feasible, should ensure that after-hours user fees for school facilities in their district are affordable for Not-For-Profit community users.
Who Qualifies?
- Not-For-Profit Youth-Related Community Groups:
Local youth groups where activities are intended for participants under the age of 18 (or under the age of 28 for participants with a disability). - Not-For-Profit Recognized Children’s Sport and Recreation Service Providers:
- groups that are sponsored or recognized by a municipality as providing services;
- programs for the benefit of the community;
- members of a provincial sports organization or an accredited camping organization;
- universally recognized as service providers (ex. Red Cross, YMCA).
- Not-For-Profit Childcare Operations:
groups involved with before and after school childcare programs delivered by eligible operators (as per the Day Nurseries Act) within the school board district. - Other Not-For-Profit or Charitable Groups:
groups such as local service clubs, community health associations, parent groups, seniors groups, etc. as determined by the district school board.
What is available?
- Auditoriums;
- Cafeterias;
- Classrooms;
- Computer rooms;
- Conference rooms;
- Family Studies (kitchens, sewing rooms);
- Gymnasiums;
- Lecture rooms and libraries;
- Parking lots;
- Wood and machine shops.
How do I rent a facility?
- Log into the DSB permit booking system. First time users will need to create an account.
- Scan through our convenient online system to choose a facility that suits your needs.
- Follow the prompts in the online system to complete and submit your request to the Community Use of Schools office.
- Your application will be reviewed by a DSB staff member. If approved, a Rental Permit will be electronically issued.